The Support to the implementation of the Skilling Uganda Strategy (SSU) intervention is the funded by the Belgian Government and is implemented through cooperation between the Enable Belgian Development Agency and the Ugandan Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) .The SSU program focuses on supporting the ‘’Skilling UGANDA’’ 10-year strategic reform process 2012-2021 making Skills Development in Uganda more demand driven by linking Business, Technical Vocational Education and Training (BTVET) with the world of work. The project included the rehabilitation and construction of facilities such as workshops, classrooms, dormitories etc.
Kasese Youth Polytechnic in partnership with Enabel will be launching the completion of the construction and equipping of new facilities with the relevant vocational and technical training equipping and tools at Kasese Youth Polytechnic has been completed and is due for handover on Thursday 18th March 2021
The function will be officiated by the Deputy Head of Mission in the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium to Uganda who invited Hon. State Minister for Higher Education to preside over. The function will begin at 9:00 PM.