Message from the Deputy Principal –Academics
The office of the Deputy Principal in charge of Academic Affairs at Kasese Youth Polytechnic was created in April 2022. The office is in charge of all academic programmes such as timetabling, teaching and evaluation. To assist in actualization of the vision and mission of the Polytechnic, the office ensures that only qualified students enroll in courses they qualify for according to the relevant requirements for admission and adherence to academic policy to ensure that quality and relevant education is offered to our students, the Deputy Principal Academics chairs the Academic Committee, which comprises the Dean of Students and all Heads of academic departments. The committee ensures that programmes and new courses that are launched are demand based.
The Academic Committee guided by the Academic Policy and procedures of curriculum implementation has a role of awarding final marks to the students. During academic board meetings, all marks of students are presented, discussed and awarded. Whenever there are any challenges affecting standards, the DP Academics takes appropriate action guided by the resolutions made in the committee meetings and in line with the academic policy. It is the mandate of the committee to ensure that only those meeting the standard are released into the labour market.
As you join us, be agents of change and make products that not only can earn you a livelihood but can bring change in the world. Continue thinking and always aim at giving the best to humanity. Do not get so comfortable with the place or position you are in, the role and those responsibilities that come with it. Continue making yourself better. The country needs you to assist in solving problems that bedevil Uganda such as unemployment, corruption, poverty, diseases, insecurity etc. Please be agents of change and make our country a better place to live in. You are venturing into the world that is evolving so rapidly, with the fields of science and technology generally growing tremendously. New areas of research are emerging. Globalization and the advent of new technologies and knowledge has made it necessary for countries to depend on one another for progress and development. The knowledge and skills acquired should make you look beyond the boarders for emerging opportunities. In conclusion I want to on your behalf to thank everyone who touch your lives in many ways. We say thank you:
You applied to come here because you wanted to have the best in both character development and learning. You have come here to maintain peace and discipline, which will make your stay here rewarding and enjoyable. While at the polytechnic, you will face lots of challenges which will give you the opportunity to learn more. The many challenges will teach you things about yourself that you couldn’t have learned in any other way. You will discover that you have a strong will to succeed. Perseverance, endurance, discipline, prayer and persistence will be the norm and that is why you will graduate with flying colors.