Our Story

Kasese Youth Polytechnic (KYP) is a Public Technical Institution (Government Aided) located in Kasese District in Nyamwamba Division in Kihara Cell at Rukoki just 500 meters behind Kasese District Headquarters. It started in the year 2011 as a Presidential pledge in a drive by Government to make vocational skills reach the youth, women and all vulnerable people to increase their employment opportunities.

Strategic Focus

In an attempt to remain focused on its main mandates, the institute developed statements of its Vision, Mission and Organizational core values as:

Our Vision:

To be a Centre of Excellence in producing Skilled graduates with creative solutions for renewable energy and other vocations.

Our Mission:

To provide quality skills training for technicians in renewable energy and other vocations that are responsive to the labour market demands.

Our Values:

  • Professionalism
  • Integrity,
  • Teamwork
  • Innovativeness
  • Skills-oriented and Accountability.

Kasese Youth Polytechnic has recorded tremendous growth in development of middle level training as an institution since inception. It has continually fulfilled its mandate in training young people to acquire skills and technical knowledge that are in line with the industrial growth of our country. The rural-urban setting of the Polytechnic has enabled students get study materials online and study from their homes and thus reduce cost whereas the private hostels around the institution have provided affordable accommodation for our students. The Polytechnic has a unique symbolic relationship with the surrounding community, which has been supportive. The good discipline among students coupled with teamwork between teaching and non-teaching staff has ensured harmony, and synergy in the Polytechnic learning environment. The teaching as well as well as non-teaching staff are qualified in their own area of professional expertise, which has put the institution ahead of many others in ensuring the Polytechnic meets its core mandate Our recommendable growth owes to several factors that favors our location. Chief among these are our unique geographical location in the western region that has a number of industries that provide a huge job market for our graduates. These include Hima Cement industry, Kilembe Investment Limited (KIL), Kasese Youth Polytechnic has established and equipped several computer laboratories to enhance students’ access to computer training and high-speed internet connectivity via fiber cable by National Information Technology Authority Uganda(NITA-U). This will link students to e-learning resources to supplement the learning materials available at the Polytechnic’s library.


The institute is standing on five BTVET specific pillars that include:

  • Raise the economic relevance of BTVET institutions,
  • Increase the quality of skills provision,
  • Provide equitable access to skills development,
  • Achieve greater organizational and management effectiveness in BTVET institutions;
  • Increase internal efficiency and resources available for BTVET institutions


The institute’s administration team


Rev. Baluku Yohoyad Mutooro -Chairman Board of Governors


Mr. Olwoch Dikens Koma Principal

Mr. Odongo Terence -Deputy Principal Administration 


Mr. Mbaniko John-Deputy Principal Training

Mr.Bwambale Zebedayo-Dean of students


Ms.Azairwe Fortunate-DOS/Sec to Principal Training