Before completing the registration form read the following Guidelines

    • This form must be filled completely by the applicant intending to do vocation training  at Kasese Youth Polytechnic.
    • Attach copies of relevant academic documents.
    • Attach recommendation  letter from either the L.C 1 of the place of residence or Religious Leader (For non Formal applications Only)

Application/Registration Form for Vocation Training

    Personal Details

    Gender: MaleFemaleStatus: SingleMarried

    Date of Birth:

    Next of Kin

    Your relationship with the next of kin

    Please Specify Your Relationship

    Who are you living with?


    Do you have any chronic diseases ? Please select the answer which applies to you

    You answered " yes" which one?

    Do you have a disability? Please select the answer which applies to you

    You answered "yes" which one?


    What Level of Education did you Achieve?

    Why did you stop at that level?

    Have you ever completed vocation training?

    What type of course have you done?

    What qualification did you get?

    When did you complete the training?

    Which course are you applying for?

    why you have you chosen this course?

    What are you planning to do after completing your course?

    Attach academic certification and recommendation letter accepted files (pdf | doc | docx | ppt |)