Our Partners
1. Enabel (The Belgian Development Agency)
Currently supporting Skills development among the students Under Skilling Uganda, Infrastructure Development by Constructing and equipping Training Workshops at the polytechnic and Support to Human Resource Development (SHRD) to staff by upskilling in practical and Pedagogical skills, through the SSU project has made us proud through various interventions including but not limited to equipment, human resource training and infrastructures.
Achievements under partnership with Enabel-SSU Project
We extend our sincere gratitude to the tax payers of the Kingdom of Belgium for support received by Kasese Youth Polytechnic through the hand of Enabel. The support is clearly reflected by the following interventions:
- Institutional Development
- KYP was supported to conduct capacity self-assessment the findings of which led to the development of a 5-year Business Plan and Human Resources Development
- Also, KYP was awarded Direct Grant (88,704 Euros) to implement the business plan that was developed with priority given to real life projects, furniture and equitable access involving vulnerable youth
- Infrastructural development and constructions achievements e.g.
Construction of:-
- NCBC (Building Construction) workshop
- Electrical and Solar Energy Twin workshop,
- Double Storied boys’ dormitory of 96 bed capacity fully furnished
- Modern kitchen with energy saving stoves
- Water supply system of 25000 litre-capacity on NWSC
- 3-Phase electrical power supply (Transformer) and
Refurbishing of:-
- Computer laboratory and ICT Hub space waiting new equipment’s
- Old Twin workshops for Welding and Fab/ Carpentry and Joinery and equipping the workshops
- Computer laboratory with equipment and accessories worth 500,000 Euros.
- 10 Instructors were trained on 7 modularized pedagogy course at Nakawa VTI. The same instructors have undergone a 1-month technical skill training and exposure to their respective industries.
- 11 capacity building trainings (in collaboration with sister project SDHR) in governance, leadership and management, BOG induction, financial management, performance management, etc.
Private Sector Engagement
To operationalize Public Private Partnership (PPP) with support from Enabel, we
- Identified local Master Crafts Persons (MCPs) who became trained in basic pedagogy
- Conducted several orientation workshops in PPP and as a result 10 MoUs have been signed. We are implementing these partnerships under students industrial training to improve work based learning (WBL)
2.Kasese District Local Government/Government of The Republic Uganda
- KYP is a government aided Institution and
receives capitation grant from Government - KYP also receives support from Kasese District
Local Government in terms of land on which this Institute stands - Save the Children in Uganda; contracted KYP to
offer non-formal trainings to their beneficiaries
- VSO also contracted KYP to offer non-formal
trainings to their beneficiaries
3. Fare Ventures World Wide in Environmental Conservation through Planting trees (Take action against climate change by supporting smallholder farmers to reforest degraded land in the tropics. Faire Ventures is supporting our agroforestry up to now