Academic Profile:
(Courses offered, staffing level and progressive enrolment of trainees)
The Institute grew from scratch through the years to the present day Training Centre where the youth obtain vocational training both formal and non-formalin various disciplines as stipulated below:
- Formal Training, examined by UBTEB, is offered to O-Level leavers or people in possession of UJTC. They are trained for two years when they graduate with National Certificates in their various areas of specification namely:
- National Certificate in Building Construction (NCBC)
- National Certificate in Automotive Mechanics (NCAM)
- National Certificate in Electrical Installation Systems and Maintenance (NCES)
- National Certificate in Plumbing (NCPL)
- Non formal training (assessed by DIT): This is a training opportunity given to vulnerable youth and child-mothers. These are said to be vulnerable because they have very low chances for well-paid employment because they lack skills required for gainful employment.
The non-formal courses available are Hair Dressing, Tailoring, welding, brick laying, Plumbing, Carpentry and joinery, Electrical systems Installation and maintenance, Motor vehicle mechanics, Building construction, Solar Systems Installation and Maintenance. The trainees of these courses are assessed by DIT